ACLS-EP Instructor Package 2015(英語版)

ACLS-EP Instructor Package 2015(英語版)





2015 American Heart Association ガイドラインアップデートの新しい知見に基づき構成されたACLS-EPコースのインストラクター用教材です。

※ 本教材は最新の教材ですが英語版です。
※ 日本国内ではG2015日本語版が出版されるまでの間、G2010日本語版の使用も認められています。ご不明な方は、各コースの主催者までお問合せください。


  • ・ACLS-EP Manual and Resource Text 2015(英語版)
  • ・ACLS-EPの体系的アプローチリファレンスカード(英語版)
  •  ACLSリファレンスカード(英語版)
  • ・ACLS DVDセット 2015(英語版)

Course Description:

The AHA’s ACLS EP Course has been updated to reflect the 2015 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC. In addition to the 2015 AHA Guidelines CPR and ECC, ACLS EP has continued basis on
• 2013 American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF)/AHA Guidelines for the Management of ST- Elevation Myocardial Infarction • 2012 ACCF/AHA Focused Update of the Guideline for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non–ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
The goal of ACLS EP is improving outcomes in complex cardiovascular, respiratory, and other (e.g., metabolic, toxicologic) emergencies by expanding on core ACLS guidelines using critical thinking and decision-making strategies. Through instruction and active participation in case-based scenarios, students enhance their skills in the differential diagnosis and treatment of pre-arrest, arrest, and post-arrest patients.

After successfully completing the ACLS-EP Course, students should be able to
  • · Demonstrate proficiency in providing BLS care, including prioritizing chest compressions and integrating use of an AED
  • · Recognize and manage respiratory arres
  • · Recognize and manage cardiac arrest until termination of resuscitation or transfer of care, including post-cardiac arrest care
  • · Demonstrate effective communication as leader or member of a resuscitation team and recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance
  • · Apply the systematic approach to assessment, evaluation, and management of complex cardiovascular, respiratory, and other emergencies

Product Specifications:

The ACLS EP Instructor Package includes all tools needed for AHA ACLS EP Instructors to teach the ACLS EP Course.

owing items are included in this convenient package:
  • · ACLS EP Manual and Resource Text (product #15-1064; includes ACLS EP Systematic Approach Pocket Reference Card and ACLS Pocket Reference Card Set (product #15-1007)
  • · ACLS EP DVD Set (product #15-1063; includes Instructor materials DVD and Course Video DVD)

The ACLS EP DVD Set includes essential information AHA ACLS EP Instructors need to teach the ACLS EP Course, including the Instructor Manual, Instructor Materials, and Course DVD.
  • · Disc 1 = Instructor Materials on DVD-ROM : Instructor Manual and Contents
  • · Disc 2 = ACLS EP Course Video : Total run time: 62 minutes